Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm Sorry

I apologize that it's been so long since I posted anything. My last review of Aida was done at work. Well I started to feel guilty for using company equipment (not time. I stayed after hours.) for my own personal ventures. And, since I had moved the previous month (November 2008), I had to cancel my internet service. Well, actually I was bumming off my Grandma's internet. I lived in her basement. That was nice, I didn't have to pay for it. But now I have internet at my new apartment and I'm about nine shows behind. So these next nine posts will probably not be as detailed as some of my others. But if you think about it...nine shows with an average of two and a half hours each...that comes to...wait...I don't know, like twenty hours or something. I'm a musician, not a mathematician!

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